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Cyclessa (Ethinyl Estradiol and Desogestrel)

Dosage:21 day
Dosage:28 day

Cyclessa (Ethinyl Estradiol and Desogestrel) is a combined oral contraceptive pill used to prevent women of reproductive age from getting pregnant. The active substances in Cyclessa are Ethinyl Estradiol and Desogestrel. Cyclessa belongs to the group of medications called estrogen/progestin oral contraceptives. The active ingredients are very similar to female hormones that prevent ovulation (the release of an egg from an ovary). Cyclessa causes thickening of the cervical mucous and uterine lining, making it harder for sperm to reach the uterus and harder for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterus, thereby preventing pregnancy.

Manufacturer Information

We currently offer the brand Cyclessa from Canada also called Linessa manufactured by Aspen in the strength of 21 and 28-Days contraceptive pills. Unfortunately, the generic version is not available.

Get medical help immediately if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction while taking Cyclessa. The most common side effects of Cyclessa may include:
• Breast enlargement or pain;
• Changes in the menstrual cycle;
• High blood pressure;
• Migraine or serious headache;
• Mood swing;
• Nausea and vomiting;
• Weight changes

Contact your doctor right away if you have any of the severe side effects, including:
• Abnormal breast and vaginal discharge;
• Amenorrhoea or cessation of menses;
• Depressed mood;
• Low libido or complete lack of interest in sexual activities;
• Severe breast enlargement;
• Unintended weight gain;

You should not take Cyclessa or progestins such as Norethindrone and Desogestrel if you are allergic to it. Cyclessa is a tablet and should be taken with a cup of water. You should use the pill according to your prescription label. You should discuss with your doctor if anything is unclear about your medication. The pill should be taken around the same time every day. Do not smoke while using contraceptives like Cyclessa to prevent possible side effects. If you have diabetes, you should check your blood sugar regularly. Cyclessa may cause a rise in blood sugar, and the effect may be severe in those who have diabetes. A contraceptive pill like Cyclessa does not prevent you from contracting a sexually transmitted infection. You should use a condom or talk to your doctor about the best barrier method of contraception. Contact your doctor if you experience spotting, severe breast enlargement, and abnormal vaginal discharge when using Cyclessa contraceptive pill.

Before you start taking this medication, tell your doctor about your medical history, especially if you:
• Are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed;
• Are pregnant or plan to become pregnant;
• Have breast cancer or a family history of breast cancer;
• Have diabetes mellitus;
• Have liver problems such as liver cancer, gall stones disease;
• Have lung or breathing difficulty;
• Have stroke;
• Have undiagnosed abnormal vaginal bleeding;

Tell your doctor right away if you become pregnant or think you may be pregnant. Cyclessa is meant to prevent pregnancy; therefore, do not use Cyclessa contraceptive pill during pregnancy. If you are concerned about the appropriate contraceptive pill post-delivery, you should talk with your doctor. Cyclessa may decrease breast milk production. A small amount passes into breast milk and may harm a nursing infant. It would be to consult your doctor before breastfeeding. Tell your doctor about all your medications, including prescription, OTC, herbal supplements, and vitamins. There may be a drug interaction between Cyclessa and other medications such as cabotegravir, tranexamic acid, and ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir & dasabuvir (DSC).

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