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Texting Obsession

by Liubov Edwards   -   November 19, 2015

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More and more people are becoming very attached to their smartphones; they are browsing the internet, using social networks and texting. New findings show that obsessive excessive texting can lead to reduce academic performance in teenagers, especially girls.

Cellphones and Seniors: A Guide to Buying New Technology

by Carissa Andrews   -   April 7, 2014

According to recent report from the Pew Internet and American Life Project, as few as 18% of seniors are using smartphones, despite growing popularity and trends. Only 39% of adults age 55-64 have them.

As a daughter of two Baby Boomers, I understand how hard it is for even the most willing older adults to latch on to the latest technology.

Dangerous Business: Death by Selfies

by Carissa Andrews   -   October 13, 2015

by colourstudio.it
by colourstudio.it
In a world so overcome with their hidden desperation to be loved and accepted, it’s no wonder that bubbling to the surface is the need to please via selfies. As it turns out, the one-upmanship has escalated in recent years to the point of people doing the stupidest things for the sake of likes on their social media sites. So many people are enthralled with them, in fact, the word “selfie" was officially accepted by Merriam Webster for entrance into the dictionary last year. This is in and of itself a bit of a crazy feat, when you think of it. Last month Yahoo presented an article stating 2015 marks the first time when taking a photo of yourself has become deadlier than being attacked by a shark. Let that sink in for a moment. I mean, wow.

9 Facts and Misconceptions About Senior Mental Health

by Nicole Sell   -   November 7, 2022

In our youth, we often take our mental health for granted. We chug Red Bull to get through all-night study sessions; we stay up late texting and updating our social media profiles; and we push ourselves to succeed in competitive academic or career environments. As a result of this hectic lifestyle, many young people are prone to mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and stress.

4 Effects of Holidays on Mental Health

by Natasha Tracy B.Sc   -   December 6, 2021

4 Effects of Holidays on Mental Health preview

Holidays have many effects on mental health. Some people look at the holidays with a spark of wonder in their eyes while others look at them with dread.


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