Photo Credit: by @NamiCommunicate from Instagram
On Instagram, you can find information on everything, including mental health. However, Instagram can give you positive or negative messages about mental health. If you’re dealing with a mental health challenge, you want to focus on those accounts that can provide positive messages in the forms of trusted mental health information, motivational messages and maybe even a little humor. These are the best Instagram accounts to follow to support your mental health.
The Importance of Mental Health on Instagram
There is no health without mental health and these mental health-related Instagram accounts understand that. The reason this matters so much is because social media can make you feel bad about yourself and harm your self-esteem if you’re seeing the wrong messages. The following Instagram accounts will help your mental health, not hurt it. They range from formal mental health organization accounts to community accounts to the accounts of individuals. No matter what you’re looking for, if it’s related to mental health, these Instagram accounts can help.
The first account that you should follow is the Instagram account of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). You can follow your local NAMI organization’s account or follow NamiCommunicate – their national account. One of their posts says:
Everyone grows at their own rate. Try to have patience with your progress.
It contains great messages for those with and without mental illnesses and introduces some people with real recovery stories.
A great account for the community “at the cross-section of mental health and personal stories” is that of the OC87 Recovery Diaries. This account aims to bust mental health stigma through the stories of real people with mental illnesses. One of their posts:
Do more things that make you forget to check your phone.
This Instagram account for mental health offers up a new story of someone with mental illness every week and great tidbits in between.
This Instagram account isn’t that of an organization but, rather, an individual who wants to educate the public on mental health. This account, named “TAG,” posts about once a day. One post is:
Anxiety isn’t weakness. Living with anxiety, turning up and doing stuff with anxiety, takes a strength most will never know.
This mental health-focused Instagram account reposts the best from a few other places and adds their own thoughts. This account focuses on all aspects of mental health from how to get help and create a crisis plan to healthy motivation tips.
This Instagram account is fittingly named, “You Can Handle This!” and it is run by a Canadian social worker and mental health survivor who loves animals. One of her posts says:
be happy not because everything is good but because you can see the good side of everything
This account is about the author’s positive thoughts in regards to quotes and images she finds. She relates her own experience with mental illness and what’s currently going on in her life. She will make you smile, nod and maybe even chuckle a little.
If you’re looking for pure positivity, “Jess Sharp’s Instagram account might be the one you’re looking for. While mental health isn’t just about rainbows and unicorns, hope is something everyone needs to keep going. One of her posts says:
I know you don’t feel it, and I know you can’t see it, but you are doing fantastically well – and I’m so very proud of you.
As with many of the other accounts on this list, Jess Sharp creates the bulk of her own Instagram content so you’ll be seeing something unique constantly.
HealthyPlace is a website dedicated to providing mental health support, resources and information and that’s exactly what you will find on the HealthyPlace Instagram account too. One of their posts:
Have you ever just randomly started crying because you’ve been holding in all these emotions and pretending to be happy for way too long?
This account posts 1-2 times per day, primarily with motivational, unique quotes but also with real stories from people with mental health conditions.
The Trevor Project is a national organization that provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ+) youth. This account features colorful drawings with positive messages. One of their messages is:
Keep going, you’re still growing.
On this Instagram account, not only will you find messages centered around hope but also those centered around inclusiveness of sexuality, gender and ability.
Hannah Blum’s Instagram account is about mental health as she lives with bipolar disorder. While she doesn’t have the most followers, the unique thing about this account is that she posts her own poetic quotes accompanied by interesting line art. One of her posts:
I don’t want or need to be fixed. My beauty exists within my brokenness.
This account is creative and is guaranteed to make you think.
Treatment Options – Mind, Lifestyle Changes, and Medications
Add one or more of these accounts to your instagram and focus on positive and thoughtful mental health messages. It’s a good idea to pursue healthy mind, lifestyle changes and treatment options together to cure the underlying problems.

Photo Credit: by @CANPharmacyKing
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Before you decide to take any medication, you should make sure you have all the treatment options you need to feel confident about your decision.